
张金懿      副研究员、硕士生导师










1. 《中国化学快报》青年编委

2. 四川省分析测试学会第四届理事会理事

3. 四川省电机工程学会电力化学专委会秘书


1. 光谱分析

2. 纳米生物分析

3. 环境分析化学


为服务国家战略需求,近年来工作主要聚焦在光学纳米材料/染料的光物理化学性质调控及其在环境现场分析的应用研究。着重开发环境污染物的现场快速检测新方法与新装置,旨在为保护生态环境以及应对突发环境污染事件时积极采取相应措施提供支持。近五年以第一作者/通讯作者发表包括ACS NanoNano Lett.J. Hazard. Mater.Anal. Chem.Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett.Nano Res.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces在内的SCI论文18篇,论文总他引1400余次,H-index21,其中一篇ESI高被引论文,四篇引用超过100次。获中央高校优秀青年团队培育项目、国家自然科学基金面上和青年基金项目、四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选等项目资助。获中国分析测试协会科学技术奖(CAIA)一等奖,入选伟德bevictor中文版“双百人才工程”B计划。


1. Simin Ye, Bo Yu, Tian Ren, Yao Lin, Jinyi Zhang*, Chengbin Zheng*, Point-of-Care Platform Based on Solid-Phase Fluorescence Filter Effect for Urinary Iodine Testing in Children and Pregnant Women. Anal. Chem. 2023, in press.

2. Yao Lin, Simin Ye, Jinxiao Tian, Anqin Leng, Yurong Deng, Jinyi Zhang*, Chengbin Zheng*, Paper-assisted ratiometric fluorescent sensors for on-site sensing of sulfide based on the target-induced inner filter effect. J. Hazard. Mater. 2023, 459, 132201.

3. Simin Ye, Tian Ren, Jing Liao, Yao Lin, Jinyi Zhang*, Chengbin Zheng*, Solid-Phase Fluorescence Filter Effect: Toward Field and Ultrasensitive Detection of Iodine Speciation in Seawater. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 2023, 10, 7, 604–610.

4. Xueshan Chen, Yao Lin, Jing Liao, Jinyi Zhang*, Chengbin Zheng*, Light-activated Carbon Dots Nanozyme with Scandium for Highly Efficient and pH-Universal Bio-Nanozyme Cascade Colorimetric Assay. J. Mater. Chem. B 2023, 11, 6697-6703.

5. Yao Lin, Yuyang Li, Hongqi Chang, Simin Ye, Yi Ye, Lin Yang, Linchuan Liao, Hao Dai, Zeliang Wei, Yurong Deng, Jinyi Zhang*, Chengbin Zheng*, Rapid Testing of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Its Metabolite On-Site Using a Label-Free Ratiometric Fluorescence Assay on a Smartphone. Anal. Chem. 2023, 95, 18, 7363–7371.

 6. Yao Lin, Xueshan Chen, Yuyang Li, Yi Ye, Lin Yang, Linchuan Liao, Yurong Deng, Juewen Liu, Jinyi Zhang*, Chengbin Zheng*, Scandium-mediated photosensitization oxidation: a new strategy for fast and neutral pH colorimetric detection of cocaine by coupling split aptamer. Sens. Actuators, B 2023, 380, 133349.

7. Xueshan Chen, Jing Liao, Yao Lin, Jinyi Zhang*, and Chengbin Zheng, Nanozyme's catalytic activity at neutral pH: reaction substrates and application in sensing. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2023, 415, 3817–3830. (invited review, Young Investigators 2023).

8. Jing Liao, Yuke Wu, Xueshan Chen, Huimin Yu, Yao Lin, Ke Huang*, Jinyi Zhang*, and Chengbin Zheng*, Light-triggered Oxidative Activity of Chromate at Neutral pH: A Colorimetric System for Accurate and On-site Detection of Cr(VI) in Natural Water. J. Hazard. Mater. 2022, 440, 129812.

9. Jinyi Zhang, Jie Wang, Jing Liao, Yao Lin, Chengbin Zheng*, and Juewen Liu*, In Situ Fabrication of Nanoceria with Oxidase-like Activity at Neutral pH: Mechanism and Boosted Bio-Nanozyme Cascades. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 42, 50236–50245.

10. Jinyi Zhang, Yao Lin (Co-first author), Shihong Wu, Xiandeng Hou, Chengbin Zheng*, Peng Wu*, and Juewen Liu*, Self-photo-oxidation for extending visible light absorption of carbon dots and oxidase-like activity. Carbon 2021, 182, 537–544.

11. Jinyi Zhang, Shihong Wu, Lingzi Ma, Peng Wu*, Juewen Liu*, Graphene Oxide as a Photocatalytic Nuclease Mimicking Nanozyme for DNA Cleavage. Nano Res., 2020, 13, 455-460.

12. Jinyi Zhang, and Juewen Liu*, Light-Activated Nanozymes: Catalytic Mechanisms and Applications. Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 2914-2923. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)

13. Tieli Zhou, Jinyi Zhang, Biwu Liu, Shihong Wu, Peng Wu and Juewen Liu*, Nucleoside-based Fluorescent Carbon Dots for Discrimination of Metal Ions. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020, 8, 3640-3646.

14. Chunmei Li, Jinyi Zhang, Hui Jiang, Xuemei Wang, Juewen Liu*, Orthogonal Adsorption of Carbon Dots and DNA on Nanoceria. Langmuir, 2020, 36, 2474-2481.

15. Jinyi Zhang and Juewen Liu*, Nanozyme-based Luminescent Detection, Luminescence, 2020, 35, 1185-1194.

16. Shihong Wu, Ronghui Zhou, Hanjiao Chen, Jinyi Zhang, Peng Wu*, Highly Efficient Oxygen Photosensitization of Carbon Dots: the Role of Nitrogen Doping. Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 5543-5553.

17. Wei Ren, Po-Jung Jimmy Huang, Donatien de Rochambeau, Woohyun J Moon, Jinyi Zhang, Mingsheng Lyu, Shujun Wang, Hanadi Sleiman, Juewen Liu*, Selection of a Metal Ligand Modified DNAzyme for Detecting Ni2+. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2020, 165, 112285.

18. Jinyi Zhang, Shihong Wu, Xiaomei Lu, Peng Wu*, Juewen Liu*, Lanthanide-Boosted Singlet Oxygen from Diverse Photosensitizers along with Potent Photocatalytic Oxidation. ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 14152-14161.

19. Jinyi Zhang, Shihong Wu, Xiaomei Lu, Peng Wu*, Juewen Liu*, Manganese as a Catalytic Mediator for Photo-Oxidation and Breaking the pH Limitation of Nanozymes. Nano Lett., 2019, 19, 3214-3220.

20. Jinyi Zhang, Ronghui Zhou, Dandan Tang, Xiandeng Hou*, Peng Wu*, Optically-Active Nanocrystals for Inner Filter Effect-Based Fluorescence Sensing: Achieving Better Spectral Overlap. Trac Trends Anal. Chem., 2019, 110, 183-190.

21. Xuejuan Ma, Jinyi Zhang, Yaodong Zhang*, Juewen Liu*, Adsorption Promoted Aggregation-Induced Emission Showing Strong Dye Lateral Interactions. Langmuir, 2019, 35, 16304-16311.

22. Shihong Wu, Jinyi Zhang, Peng Wu*, Photo-modulated Nanozymes for Biosensing and Biomedical Applications. Anal. Methods, 2019, 11, 5081-5088.

23. Jinyi Zhang, Xiaomei Lu, Dandan Tang, Shihong Wu, Xiandeng Hou, Juewen Liu*, Peng Wu*, Phosphorescent Carbon Dots for Highly Efficient Oxygen Photosensitization and as Photo-Oxidative Nanozymes. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10, 40808-40814.

24. Jinyi Zhang, Dandan Tang, Yadong Yao, Xiandeng Hou*, Peng Wu*, Aggregation-Induced Phosphorescence Enhancement of Mn-Doped ZnS Quantum Dots: The Role of Dot-to-Dot Distance. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 9236-9244.

25. Xiaomei Lu, Jinyi Zhang, Ya-Ni Xie, Xinfeng Zhang, Xiaoming Jiang*, Xiandeng Hou, Peng Wu*, Ratiometric Phosphorescent Probe for Thallium in Serum, Water, and Soil Samples Based on Long-Lived, Spectrally Resolved, Mn-Doped ZnSe Quantum Dots and Carbon Dots. Anal. Chem., 2018, 90, 2939-2945.

26. Dandan Tang, Jinyi Zhang, Rongxin Zhou, Ya-Ni Xie, Xiandeng Hou, Kailai Xu*, Peng Wu*, Phosphorescent Inner Filter Effect-Based Sensing of Xanthine Oxidase and Its Inhibitors with Mn-Doped ZnS Quantum Dots. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 8477-8482.

27. Jinyi Zhang, Xiaomei Lu, Yu Lei, Xiandeng Hou*, Peng Wu*, Exploring the Tunable Excitation of QDs to Maximize the Overlap with the Absorber for Inner Filter Effect-Based Phosphorescence Sensing of Alkaline Phosphatase. Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 15606-15611.

28. Hao Hu, Jinyi Zhang, Yu Ding, Xinfeng Zhang, Kailai Xu*, Xiandeng Hou, Peng Wu*, Modulation of the Singlet Oxygen Generation from the Double Strand DNA-Sybr Green I Complex Mediated by T-Melamine-T Mismatch for Visual Detection of Melamine. Anal. Chem., 2017, 89, 5101-5106.

29. Jinyi Zhang, Airu Zhu, Ting Zhao, Lan Wu, Peng Wu*, Xiandeng Hou*, Glucose Oxidase-Directed, Instant Synthesis of Mn-Doped ZnS Quantum Dots in Neutral Media with Retained Enzymatic Activity: Mechanistic Study and Biosensing Application. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015, 3, 5942-5950.

30. Peng Wu, Jinyi Zhang, Shanlin Wang, Airu Zhu, Xiandeng Hou*, Sensing During in Situ Growth of Mn-Doped ZnS QDs: A Phosphorescent Sensor for Detection of H2S in Biological Samples. Chem. Eur. J., 2014, 20, 952-956.
