
鄢洪建     副教授(副研究员)







2013.1- bevictor伟德           教师

2012.1-2012.12 韩国梨花女子大学       Research Professor

2006.8-2012.12 bevictor伟德       教师

2004.8-2006.8     大连化学物理研究所     博士后

1999.7-2004.7     bevictor伟德       教师


2000.9-2004.7     伟德bevictor中文版材料科学与工程学院     博士研究生

1996.9-1999.7     bevictor伟德               硕士研究生

1990.9-1994.7     bevictor伟德               本科生


1. 纳米材料的制备与应用

2. 光催化

3. 清洁能源材料



1. 基于高分子半导体的复合光催化剂的制备及可见光催化分解水制氢研究


2. 光催化分解H2S制氢研究


3. 固溶体型可见光光催化剂的设计、制备及光催化分解水制氢研究

(伟德bevictor中文版校青年基金,2009SCU111052010.1-2011.12,负责人,3.0   万元)。

代表性成果 (获奖成果、专著、论文、专利)

 1. Huihua Gong, Yifeng Zhang, Yue Cao, Maolan Luo, Zhicheng   Feng, Wenbin Yang,* Kewei Liu, Hongmei Cao, Hongjian Yan,* Pt@Cu2O/WO3   composite photocatalyst for enhanced photocatalytic water oxidation   performance, Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2018, 237: 309-317

2. Yifeng Zhang, Jing Yuan, Huihua Gong, Yue Cao, Kewei   Liu, Hongmei Cao, Hongjian Yan,* Jianguo Zhu,* (00l)?Facet-Exposed Planelike   ABi2Nb2O9 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) Powders with a Single-Crystal Grain for   Enhancement of Photocatalytic Activity, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2018, 6:   3840?3852

3. Huihua Gong, Yue Cao, Yifeng Zhang, Yu Zhang, Kewei Liu,   Hongmei Cao and Hongjian Yan,* The synergetic effect of dual co-catalysts on   the photocatalytic activity of square-like WO3 with different exposed facets,   RSC Adv. 2017, 7: 19019–19025

4. Yifeng Zhang, Huihua Gong, Yu Zhang, Keiwei Liu, Hongmei   Cao, Hongjian Yan,* and Jianguo Zhu,* The Controllable Synthesis of   Octadecahedral BiVO4 with Exposed {111} Facets, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2017:   2990–2997

5. Yue Cao, Huihua Gong, Yifeng Zhang, Kewei Liu, Hongmei   Cao, Hongjian Yan,* Solvothermal synthesis of TiO2 with exposed (001) facets,   mixed-phase and small particle size by using mixture of water and acetic   anhydride as solvent, Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 2017, 42: 30057–30066

6. Yifeng Zhang,Fang Mao, Hongjian Yan,* Kewei Liu, Hongmei   Cao, Jiagang  Wu and Dingquan Xiao,* A polymer–metal–polymer–metal   heterostructure for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen production, J. Mater.   Chem. A, 2015, 3(1): 109–115.

7. Yu Zhang, Huihua Gong, Guangxia Li, Hongmei Zeng, Lin   Zhong,* Kewei Liu, Hongmei Cao, Hongjian Yan,* Synthesis of graphitic carbon   nitride by heating mixture of urea and thiourea for enhanced photocatalytic   H2 production from water under visible light, Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 2017,   42(1): 143–151.

8. Yu Zhang, Yu Hu, Hongmei Zeng, Lin Zhong,* Kewei Liu,   Hongmei Cao, Wei Li,* Hongjian Yan,* Silicon carbide recovered from   photovoltaic industry waste asphotocatalysts for hydrogen production, J.   Hazard. Mater. 2017, 329: 22–29.

9. Huihua Gong, Ruirui Ma, Fang Mao, Kewei Liu, Hongmei   Cao, Hongjian Yan,* Light-induced spatial separation of charges toward   different crystal facets of square-like WO3, Chem. Commun. 2016, 52:   11979–11982.

10. Yu Hu, Hongjian Yan,* Kewei Liu, Hongmei Cao, Wei Li,*   Hydrogen production usingsolar grade wasted silicon, Int. J. Hydrogen Energ.   2015, 40: 8633–8641.

11. Fang Mao, Hongjian Yan,* Yifeng Zhang, Jiagang Wu,*   Dingquan Xiao, Kewei Liu, Hongmei Cao, Photocatalytic O2 productionusing WO3   nanoparticles prepared by annealing ethylenediamine tungstate/CxNy gel, RSC   Adv. 2015, 5: 99398–99404.

12. Yurong Deng, Kewei Liu, Hongmei Cao, Mingliang Luo,   Hongjian Yan*, Synthesis of graphene with both high nitrogen content and high   surface area by annealing composite of graphene oxide and g-C3N4, J. Iran.   Chem. Soc. 2015, 12(5): 807–814.

13 Jinhui Yang, Hongjian Yan, Xu Zong, Fuyu Wen, Meiying Liu,   Can Li*, Roles of cocatalysts in semiconductor-based photocatalytic hydrogen   production, Philosoph. Trans. Royal Soc. A 2013, 371, 20110430

14. Hongjian Yan, Saji Thomas Kochuveedu, Li Na Quan, Sang   Soo Lee, Dong Ha Kim*, Enhanced photocatalytic activity of C, F-codoped TiO2   loaded with AgCl, J. Alloy. Compd. 2013, 560, 20–26

15. Hongjian Yan*, Soft-templating synthesis of mesoporous   graphitic carbon nitride with enhanced photocatalytic H2 evolution under   visible light, Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 3430–3432

16. Hongjian Yan*, Ye Chen, Shimin Xu, Synthesis of   graphitic carbon nitride by directly heating sulfuric acid treated melamine   for enhanced photocatalytic H2 production from water under visible light,   Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 2012, 37, 125–133

17. Jinhui Yang, Hongjian Yan, Xiuli Wang, Fuyu Wen, Zhijun   Wang, Dayong Fan, Jingying Shi, Can Li*, Roles of cocatalysts in Pt–PdS/CdS   with exceptionally high quantum efficiency for photocatalytic hydrogen   production, J. Catal. 2012, 290, 151-157

18. Hongjian Yan*, Xionghui Xie, Kewei Liu, Hongmei Cao,   Xiaojun Zhang, Yulai Luo, Facile preparation of Co3O4 nanoparticles via   thermal decomposition of Co(NO3)2 loading on C3N4, Powder Technol. 2012, 221,   199-202

19. Hongjian Yan*, Yan Huang, Polymer Composites of Carbon   Nitride and Poly (3-hexylthiophene) to Achieve Enhanced Hydrogen Production   from Water under Visible Light, Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 4168–4170

20. Hongjian Yan*, Xiaojun Zhang, Shiqing Zhou, Xionghui   Xie, Yulai Luo, Yihan Yu, Synthesis of WO3 nanoparticles for photocatalytic   O2 evolution by thermal decomposition of ammonium tungstate loading on   g-C3N4, J. Alloy. Compd. 2011, 509, L232–L235

21. Hongjian Yan*, Haoxin Yang, TiO2 g-C3N4 composite   materials for photocatalytic H2 evolution under visible light irradiation, J.   Alloy.  Compd. 2011, 509, L26–L29

22. Hongjian Yan*, Kewei Liu, Ran Luo, Shiguang Chen,   Hongmei Cao, Synthesis of GaN nanoparticles from NH4[Ga(OH)2CO3] under a flow   of ammonia gas, Mater. Lett. 2010, 64, 2109–2111

23. Xu Zong, Jingfeng Han, Guijun Ma, Hongjian Yan, Guopeng   Wu, and Can Li*, Photocatalytic H2 Evolution on CdS Loaded with WS2 as   Cocatalyst under Visible Light Irradiation, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115,   12202-12208

24. Xu Zong, Guopeng Wu, Hongjian Yan, Guijun Ma, Jingying   Shi, Fuyu Wen, Lu Wang and Can Li*, Photocatalytic H2 Evolution on MoS2/CdS   Catalysts under Visible Light Irradiation, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114,   1963-1968

20. Hongjian Yan, Jinhui Yang, Guijun Ma, Guopeng Wu, Xu   Zong, Zhibin Lei, Jingying Shi, Can Li*, Visible-light-driven hydrogen   production with extremely high quantum efficiency on Pt–PdS/CdS   photocatalyst, J. Catal. 2009, 266, 165–168

25. Xu Zong, Hongjian Yan, Guopeng Wu, Guijun Ma, Fuyu Wen,   Lu Wang and Can Li*, Enhancement of Photocatalytic H2 Evolution on CdS by   Loading MoS2 as Cocatalyst under Visible Light Irradiation, J. Amer. Chem..l   Soc. 2008, 130, 7176–7177

26. Ma Guijun, Yan Hongjian, Zong Xu, Ma Baojun, Jiang   Hongfu,Wen Fuyu, Li Can*, Photocatalytic Splitting of H2S to Produce Hydrogen   by Gas-Solid Phase Reaction, Chin. J. Catal. 2008, 29(4), 313–315

27. Guijun Ma, Hongjian Yan, Jingying Shi, Xu Zong, Zhibing   Lei, Can Li*, Direct splitting of H2S into H2 and S on CdS-based   photocatalyst under visible light irradiation, J. Catal. 2008, 260,134-140

28. Jianying Shi, Hongjian Yan, Xiuli Wang, Zhaochi Feng,   Zhibin Lei, Can Li*, Composition-dependent optical properties of ZnxCd1?xS   synthesized by precipitable-hydrothermal process, Solid State Commun. 2008,   146, 249–252

29. Guopeng Wu, Tao Chen, Xu Zong, Hongjian Yan, Guijun Ma,   Xiuli Wang, Qian Xu, Donge Wang, Zhibin Lei, Can Li*, Suppressing CO   formation by anion adsorption and Pt deposition on TiO2 in H2 production from   photocatalytic reforming of methanol, J. Catal. 2008, 253,  225–227

30. Zhibin Lei, Guijun Ma, Meiying Liu, Wansheng You,   Hongjian Yan, Guopeng Wu, Tsuyoshi Takata, Michikazu Hara, Kazunari Domen,   Can Li*, Sulfur-substituted and Zinc-doped In(OH)3: A New Class of Catalyst   for Photocatalytic H2 Production from Water under Visible Light Illumination,   J. Catal. 2006, 237 (2), 322–329

31. Hongjian Yan, Dingquan Xiao*, Jianguo Zhu, Ping Yu,   Linzhi Li, Dunming Lin, Guiying Li, and Wen Zhang, Synthesis and   Piezoelectric Properties of Lead-free (Bi0.5Na0.5)1-x(BaaSrb)xTiO3 Ceramics,   J. Wuhan Univ. Technol. (Mater. Sci. Edit.), 2005, 20 (4), 97–99

32. Hongjian Yan, Dingquan Xiao*, Ping Yu, Jianguo Zhu,   Dunming Lin, Guiying Li, The Dependence of the Piezoelectric Properties on   the Differences of the A-site and B-site Ions for (Bi1-xNax)TiO3-based   Ceramics, Mater. Design 2005, 26 (5),  474–478

