代表性成果 (获奖成果、专著、论文、专利) |
代表性论文: (1) Yongchao Yao,‡ Deqiu Xu,‡ Y. Zhu, X. Dai, Y. Yu, J. Luo* and S. Zhang*, Dandelion flower-like micelles. Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 757 (主编推荐). On line 
(2) C. Liao, X. Dai, Y. Chen, J. Liu, Y. Yao, and S. Zhang*, Biogenic (R)-(+)-Lipoic Acid Only Constructed Cross-Linked Vesicles with Synergistic Anticancer Potency. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2019, 17, 1806567. On line 
(3) Y. Yu, P. Li, C. Zhu, N. Ning, S. Zhang*, and G. J. Vancso, Multifunctional and Recyclable Photothermally Responsive Cryogels as Efficient Platforms for Wound Healing. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2019, 18, 1904402. On line 
(4) C. Li, J. Zhang, S. Zhang* and Y. Zhao. Efficient Light Harvesting Systems with Tunable Emission through Controlled Precipitation in Confined Nanospace. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 1643 (背封面论文). On line  
(5) X. Dai, X. Zhou, C. Liao, Y. Yao, Y. Yu, and S. Zhang*, A nanodrug to combat cisplatin-resistance by protecting cisplatin with p-sulfonatocalix[4]arene and regulating glutathione S-transferases with loaded 5-fluorouracil. Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 7199. On line 
(6) J. Huang, L. Wang, P. Zhao, F. Xiang and S. Zhang*, Nano-Copper Dopped Cross-linked Lipoic Acid Nanoparticles for Morphology-Dependent Intracelluar Catalysis. ACS Catal., 2018, 8, 5941. On line 
(7) Y. Chen, J. Huang, S. Zhang*, and Z. Gu, Superamphiphile Based Cross-Linked Small-Molecule Micelles for pH-Triggered Release of Anticancer Drugs. Chem. Mater., 2017, 29, 3083–3091. On line 
(8) J. Pang, F. Wu, C. Liao, Z. Gu, S. Zhang*, Terminal Acetylated/Acrylated Poly(ethylene glycol) Fabricated Drug Carriers: Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation. Biomacromolecules, 2017, 18, 1956. On line 
(9) C. Liao, Y. Chen, Y. Yao, S. Zhang*, Z. Gu, and X. Yu, Cross-Linked Small-Molecule Micelle Based Drug Delivery System: Concept, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation. Chem. Mater., 2016, 28, 7757. On line 
(10) C. Li, S. Zhang*, J. Pang, Y. Wu and Z. Gu*, Facile Fabrication of Robust Organic Counterion-Induced Vesicles: Reversible Thermal Behavior for Optical Temperature Sensor and Synergistic Catalyst upon Removal of Amine. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2015, 25, 3764. On line 