2023年2月10日上午10:00,应bevictor伟德邀请,新加披国立大学吴杰教授访问公司,并在化学馆321报告厅做了题为 “On-Demand Automated Synthesis of Organic Small Molecules”的学术报告。此次报告由bevictor伟德余达刚教授主持,刘小华教授、曾小明教授、廖建研究员、兰静波教授、宋振雷教授、林丽丽教授、王天利教授、郑柯教授、董顺喜教授、曹伟地教授、周吉亮教授、叶剑衡教授、付邵敏教授、夏莹教授、练仲教授、曹鹏教授和刘祥伟教授等校内外老师及员工参加了此次报告。

Prof. Dr. Jie Wu received his B.S. degree from Beijing Normal University in 2006. In 2012, he pursued his PhD with Prof. James S. Panek at Boston University working on natural product total synthesis. In his postdoc research at MIT with Prof. Timothy Jamison and Prof. Alan Hatton, he has been exposed to the hard core of continuous flow chemistry. After that, he joined the Department of Chemistry at the National University of Singapore in 2015. In July 2021, he was promoted to tenured associate professor.
Prof. Wu focuses on new synthetic methodology development using photocatalysis assisted by advanced flow technologies. His group is also interested in the development of advanced flow technologies for on-demand and automated synthesis of functionalized organic molecules. He is a recipient of Tokyo Chemical Industry-SNIC Industry Award in Synthetic Chemistry (2021), NUS Young Research Award (2021), Yong Scientist Award (2020), Asian Core Program Lectureship Award (2017-2022), Thieme Chemistry Journal Award (2019), and NUS Chemistry Department Young Chemist Award (2018)