2021年7月13日上午10:30,应bevictor伟德邀请,东京大学副教授尚睿博士访问公司,并在化学馆122报告厅做了题为 “Iron-Catalysis: from Novel Reactions to Creating Material Functions”的学术报告。此次报告由bevictor伟德余达刚教授主持,兰静波教授、高戈教授、曾小明教授、郑柯教授、付海燕教授、付邵敏教授和杨宇东教授等老师及员工参加了此次报告。

Rui Shang is currently working as an associate professor at the department of chemistry, the University of Tokyo. He received his B.Sc. (2009) and Ph.D. (2014) from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), and worked as a joint-training Ph.D. in The University of Tokyo (2012–2014) under the supervision of Professor Eiichi Nakamura and then served as a JSPS fellow (2014-2016) in the same institute. He received the Hundred Excellent Doctor Thesis of the Chinese Academy of Science from the Chinese Academy of Science in 2015, and the Springer Doctoral Thesis Prize in 2016.
His research interests cover new catalytic reactions, novel conjugated molecules, and their material functions. His current research focuses on three aspects: 1) development of new reactions using base metal catalysis for organic electronic materials; 2) synthetic creation of novel conjugated pi-molecules; 3) design and development of new photocatalysis methodologies for organic synthesis.