
Xiang Wang     

Research direction: Colloid and Interface Chemistry

Contact information:

Email: xiang.wang@scu.edu.cn


Development of Functional Composite Materials Based on Two-dimensional Nanosheets

Topological Structures of Two-dimensional Colloidal Liquid Crystals

Novel Photonic Crystals Based on Colloids


Professional Experience:

2024.04 present   Professor, College of Chemistry, Sichuan University, China

2021.06 – 2024.04   Research Scientist, RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, Japan

2018.12 – 2021.05   Postdoctoral Researcher, RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, Japan


2015.10 – 2018.09   The University of Tokyo, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Tokyo, Japan  PhD (Chemistry)

2012.09 – 2014.12   Tianjin University, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin, China  Master Degree (Polymer Science and Engineering)

2008.09 – 2012.06   Tianjin University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin, China  Bachelor Degree (Materials Science and Engineering)


2024  Young Scientist Award, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan

2024  RIKEN CEMS Award

2024  RIKEN EIHO Award (RIKEN Significant Achievement Award)


1. X. Wang*, Z. Li, S. Wang, K. Sano, Z. Sun, Z. Shao, A. Takeishi, S. Matsubara, D. Okumura, N. Sakai, T. Sasaki, T. Aida, Y. Ishida*. Mechanical Non-reciprocity in a Uniform Composite Material. Science, 2023, 380, 192–198. (Highlighted by Science Magazine “Perspectives”, RIKEN Press Release, Phys.org, Nikkei Online, Fabcross for Engineer, TV Tokyo Youtube News, Nano Today “News” and so on)

2. X. Wang, X. Li, S. Aya, F. Araoka, Y. Ishida*, A. Kikkawa, M. Kriener, Y. Taguchi, Y. Ebina, T. Sasaki, S. Koshiya, K. Kimoto, T. Aida*. Reversible Switching of the Magnetic Orientation of Titanate Nanosheets by Photochemical Reduction and Autoxidation. Journal of American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 16396-16401. (Highlighted by JACS Spotlights and RIKEN Research Highlights)

3. K. Sano, X. Wang, Z. Sun, S. Aya, F. Araoka, Y. Ebina, T. Sasaki, Y. Ishida*, T. Aida*. Propagating Wave in a Fluid by Coherent Motion of 2D Colloids. Nature Communication, 2021, 12, 6771.

4. Y. Zhan, D. Ogawa, K. Sano*, X. Wang, F. Araoka, N.Sakai, T. Sasaki, and Y. Ishida*. Reconfigurable Photonic Crystal Reversibly Exhibiting Single and Double Structural Colors. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023, 62, e202311451.

5. X. Wang, P. Wang, Y. Jiang, Q. Su, J. Zheng*. Facile Surface Modification of Silica Nanoparticles With a Combination of Noncovalent and Covalent Methods for Composites Application. Composites Science and Technology, 2014, 104, 1-8.

6. X. Wang, L. Wang, Q. Su, J. Zheng*. Use of Unmodified SiO2 as Nanofiller to Improve Mechanical Properties of Polymer-based Nanocomposites. Composites Science and Technology, 2013, 89, 52-60.


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