Research Interests:
CO2 Utilization
Photoredox Catalysis, electrochemistry and Radical Chemistry
Novel Transition Metal-Catalysis
Contact Information:(邮箱、电话等联系方式) ;
Tel: +86 028-85470816 (O)
Education And Academic Experience:(教育和学术经历)
09/2003-07/2007 B. S., in Chemistry, Sichuan University, Chengdu, P. R. China.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Xiaoming Feng and Prof. Dr. Li-Hua Yuan
09/2007-07/2012 Ph. D., in Organic Chemistry, Peking University, P. R. China.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Zhang-Jie Shi
10/2012-12/2014 Postdoc with Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Münster University,
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Glorius
01/2015-now Professor, College of Chemistry, Sichuan University
Honors and Awards:(荣誉和奖励)
2022 The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
2022 Kyoto Rising-Star Lectureship Award
2021 The third prize of 2021 China Weifang International Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
2021 China Catalysis Rookie Award
2021 The First Prize of Sichuan-Chongqing Science and Technology Conference Excellent Academic Paper
2021 Sichuan University "Advanced Individual"
2021 Sichuan University Hundred Talents Program A
2020 “Science China Chemistry” Emerging Investigator
2020 “Chemical Communications” Emerging Investigator
2018 Chinese Chemical Society Youth Award
2018 National Natural Science Foundation--Outstanding Young Scholars
2018 Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation--Young Scholars
2018 Excellent Teacher of Sichuan University
2018 “Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry” Early Career Researchers in China
2017 ACP Lectureship Awards to Japan
2017 Thieme Chemistry Journal Award
2016 Young Talent Award of Sichuan University
2015 “Organic Chemistry Frontiers” Emerging Investigators
2013-2014 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship
2013 Finalist of the 2013 Reaxys PhD Prize
2012 Dow Sustainability Innovation Student Challenge Award (Grand Prize)
2012 Top Ten Academic Stars of Peking University
2011 SciFinder Recognition in Excellence Program for OMCOS16
2011 “Star of Chemistry” of CCME in Peking University
2010 Special Grade of Chang-Qing Scholarship
2010 Excellent Students Awards of Peking University
2009 First Grade of Chang-Qing Scholarship
Editorial/Advisory Board Memberships:(学术任职情况,如担任编委等)
2019-now Chin. J. Org. Chem. Young Member of Editorial Board
2020-now Sci. China Chem. Young Member of Editorial Board
2021- Editorial Board of Chemical Synthesis (Editor in CO2 and Organic Chemistry)
2021- Editorial Board of Acta Chim. Sinica
2021- Editorial Board of Asian J. Org. Chem.
2021- Chin. J. Cat. Young Member of Editorial Board
2022- Editorial Board of Tetrahedron Green Chem
Publications: (论文发表、专利或专著等)
1. G.-Q. Sun,† P. Yu,† W. Zhang,† W. Zhang, Y. Wang, L.-L. Liao, Z. Zhang, L. Li, Z. Lu, D.-G. Yu*, S. Lin* Electrochemical reactor dictates site selectivity in N-heteroarene carboxylations. Nature 2023, 615, 67 († Equal contribution. Highlighted by NSFC, ScienceDaily, EurekAlert, X-MOL, Chem, ACIE, Chem. Syn., Chin. Sci. Bull., Chin. Chem. Lett. and Sichuan University)

2. J.-P. Yue, J.-C. Xu, H.-T. Luo, X.-W. Chen, H.-X. Song, Y. Deng, L. Yuan, J.-H. Ye*, D.-G. Yu*, Metallaphotoredox-enabled aminocarboxylation of alkenes with CO2. Nat. Catal. 2023, DOI: 10.1038/s41929-023-01029-9.

3. W. Zhang, D.-G. Yu*, J.-H. Ye*, Photocatalytic Activation of Water: An Unique Way to Mimic Free Hydrogen Atom for Efficient Hydrogenation. Chem 2023, 9, 2375-2377 (Highlight)
4. Y. Liu,† Z.-H. Wang,† L. Yuan , Y. Li, D.-G. Yu, J.-H. Ye*, Photocatalytic Dicarboxylation of Strained C–C Bonds with CO2 via Consecutive Visible-Light-Induced Electron Transfer. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2023, accepted († Equal contribution)
5. S.-Y. Min, H.-X. Song, S.-S. Yan*, R. Yuan, J.-H. Ye, B.-Q. Wang, Y.-Y. Gui*, D.-G. Yu*, Photocatalytic Defluorocarboxylation Using Formate Salts as Both Reductant and Carbon Dioxide Source. Green Chem. 2023, 25, 6194-6199.

6. W. Zhang, Z. Chen, Y.-X. Jiang, L.-L. Liao, W. Wang, J.-H. Ye*, D.-G. Yu*, Arylcarboxylation of unactivated alkenes with CO2 via visible-light photoredox catalysis. Nat. Commun. 2023, 14, 3529.

7. W. Zhang,† L.-L. Liao,† L. Li, Y. Liu, L.-F. Dai, G.-Q. Sun, C.-K. Ran, J.-H. Ye*, Y. Lan*, D.-G. Yu*, Electroreductive Dicarboxylation of Unactivated Skipped Dienes with CO2. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62, e202301892. († Equal contribution)

8. L. Chen, Q. Qu, C.-K. Ran, W. Wang, W. Zhang, Y. He, L.-L. Liao, J.-H. Ye*, D.-G. Yu*, Photocatalytic Carboxylation of C−N Bonds in Cyclic Amines with CO2 by Consecutive Visible-Light-Induced Electron Transfer. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62, 202217918. (Highlighted by Synfacts 2023, 19, 0527)

9. H.-Z. Xiao,† B. Yu,† S.-S. Yan , W. Zhang , X.-X. Li, Y. Bao, S.-P. Luo, J.-H. Ye*, D.-G. Yu*, Photocatalytic 1,3-Dicarboxylation of Unactivated Alkenes with CO2. Chin. J. Catal. 2023, 50, 222 († Equal contribution)

10. M. Miao, L. Zhu, H. Zhao, L. Song, S.-S. Yan, L.-L. Liao, J.-H. Ye*, Y. Lan*, D.-G. Yu*, Visible-light-driven thio-carboxylation of alkynes with CO2: facile synthesis of thiochromones.Sci. China Chem. 2023, 66, 1457.

11. Y.-Y. Gui,† X.-W. Chen,† D.-G. Yu*, Teaching an old N-alkylation new tricks: from SN1 and SN2 N-alkylation to radical enantioconvergent N-alkylation. Sci. Bull. 2023, 68, 1225 († Equal contribution)
12. C.-K. Ran,† H.-Z. Xiao,† L.-L. Liao,* T. Ju, W. Zhang, D.-G. Yu*, The progress and challenges in dicarboxylation with CO2. Natl. Sci. Open 2023, 2, 20220024.
13. Q. Qu,† L. Chen,† Y. Deng, Y.-Y. Gui*, D.-G. Yu*, Visible-Light Photocatalytic Barbier-Type Reaction of Aziridines and Azetidines with Unactivated Aldehydes. Synlett 2023, 34, 1385-1390 († Equal contribution)

14. K. Ren†, R. Yuan†, Y.-Y. Gui*, X.-W. Chen, S.-Y. Min, B.-Q. Wang, D.-G. Yu*, Cu-Catalyzed Reductive Aminomethylation of 1,3-Dienes with N,O-acetals: Facile Construction of β-Chiral Amines with Quaternary Stereocenters. Org. Chem. Front. 2023, 10, 467. († Equal contribution).

15. L. Song,† W. Wang,† J.-P. Yue, Y.-X. Jiang, M.-K. Wei, H.-P. Zhang, S.-S. Yan, L.-L. Liao, D.-G. Yu*, Visible-Light Photocatalytic Di- and Hydro-Carboxylation of Unactivated Alkenes with CO2. Nat. Catal. 2022, 5, 832 († Equal contribution)

16. C.-K. Ran, D.-G. Yu*, Ready and label. Nat. Chem. Rev. 2022, 6, 679 (News & Views)
17. W.-J. Zhou, C.-K. Ran, D.-G. Yu*, Boryl Radical-Promoted Carboxylation of Benzylic C-OH Bonds. Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2022, 42, 2599.
18. Z. Zhang, Y. Deng, Q.-F. Zhang*, D.-G. Yu*, Visible Light-driven Carboxylation with CO2. Chem. J Chinese U. 2022, 43, 20220255.
19. Z.-Y. Bo†, S.-S. Yan†, T.-Y. Gao, L. Song, C.-K. Ran, Y. He, W. Zhang*, G.-M. Cao, D.-G. Yu*, Visible-Light Photoredox-Catalyzed Selective Carboxylation of C(sp2)−F Bonds in Polyfluoroarenes with CO2. Chin. J. Catal. 2022, 43, 2388-2394. († Equal contribution)

20. Y. Huang,* D.-G. Yu*, G. Wang,* Preface to special column on catalytic conversion of CO2. Chin. J. Catal. 2022, 43, 1545-1546. (Editorial)
21. L.-L. Liao, L. Song, S.-S. Yan, J.-H. Ye,* D.-G. Yu*, Highly reductive photocatalytic systems in organic synthesis. Trend. Chem. 2022, 4, 512-527.
22. L.-L. Liao, Z.-H. Wang, K.-G. Cao, G.-Q. Sun, W. Zhang, C.-K. Ran, Y. Li, L. Chen, G.-M. Cao, D.-G. Yu*, Electrochemical Ring-Opening Dicarboxylation of Strained Carbon-Carbon Single Bonds with CO2: Facile Synthesis of Diacids and Derivatization into Polyesters. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 2062.

23. C.-K. Ran,† Y.-N. Niu,† L. Song, M.-K. Wei, Y.-F. Cao, S.-P. Luo, Y.-M. Yu, L.-L. Liao,* D.-G. Yu*, Visible-Light Photoredox-Catalyzed Carboxylation of Activated C(sp3)─O bonds with CO2. ACS Catal. 2022, 12, 18. († Equal contribution. Top 1 of the most read articles in ACS Catal. in December 2021 )

24. K. Jing, M.-K. Wei, S.-S. Yan, L.-L. Liao, Y.-N. Niu, S.-P. Luo, B. Yu*, D.-G. Yu*, Visible-Light Photoredox-Catalyzed Carboxylation of Benzyl Halides with CO2: Mild and Transition-Metal-Free. Chin. J. Catal. 2022, 43, 1667 (Invited contribution for "Catalytic Conversion of CO2")

25. X.-Y. Zhou, X.-Y. Li, Z. Zhang*, D.-G. Yu*, Thiocarbonylation of C(sp3)-H bonds in pyridylamines with CS2: Facile synthesis of pyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidine-4-thiones. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2021, 32, 4015.

26. G.-Q. Sun, W. Zhang, L.-L. Liao, L. Li, Z.-H. Nie, J.-G. Wu, Z. Zhang, D.-G. Yu*, Nickel-Catalyzed Electrochemical Carboxylation of Unactivated Aryl and Alkyl Halides with CO2. Nat. Commun. 2021, 12, 7086.

27. J. Liu†, H.-Z. Xiao†, Q. Fu,* D.-G. Yu*, Advances in Radical Phosphorylation from 2016 to 2021. Chem. Syn. 2021, 1, 9 († Equal contribution. Invited contribution)

28. S.-S. Yan, S.-H. Liu, L. Chen, Z.-Y. Bo, K. Jing, T.-Y. Gao, B. Yu, Y. Lan,* S.-P. Luo, D.-G. Yu*, Visible-light photoredox-catalyzed selective carboxylation of C(sp3)−F bonds with CO2. Chem 2021, 7, 3099.

29. X.-Y. Zhu,† C.-K. Ran,† M. Wen, G.-L. Guo, Y. Liu, L.-L. Liao, Y.-Z. Li,* M.-L. Li, D.-G. Yu*, Prediction of multicomponent reaction yields using machine learning. Chin. J. Chem. 2021, 39, 3231 († Equal contribution)

30. C.-K. Ran,† L.-L. Liao,† T.-Y. Gao, Y.-Y. Gui*, D.-G. Yu*, Recent progress and challenges in carboxylation with CO2. Cur. Opin. Green Sustain. Chem. 2021, 32, 100525 († Equal contribution)

31. D.-G. Yu*, L.-N. He*, Introduction to CO2 utilisation. Green Chem. 2021, 23, 3499. (Editorial)
32. J.-H. Ye, T. Ju, H. Huang, L.-L. Liao, D.-G. Yu*, Radical Carboxylative Cyclizations and Carboxylations with CO2. Acc. Chem. Res. 2021, 54, 2518.

33. T. Ju, Y.-Q. Zhou, K.-G. Cao, Q. Fu, J.-H. Ye, G.-Q. Sun, X.-F. Liu, L. Chen, L.-L. Liao, D.-G. Yu*, Dicarboxylation of alkenes, allenes, and (hetero)arenes with CO2 via visible-light photoredox catalysis. Nat. Catal. 2021, 4, 304–311.

34. G.-M. Cao, X.-L. Hu, L.-L. Liao, S.-S. Yan, L. Song, J. J. Chruma, L. Gong, D.-G. Yu*, Visible-light photoredox-catalyzed umpolung carboxylation of carbonyl compounds with CO2. Nat. Commun. 2021, 12, 3306
35. Y.-N. Niu†, X.-H. Jin†, L.-L. Liao†, H. Huang, B. Yu, Y.-M. Yu*, D.-G. Yu*, Visible-Light-Driven External-Photocatalyst-Free Alkylative Carboxylation of Alkenes with CO2. Sci. China Chem. 2021, 64, 1164

36. X.-W. Chen, J.-P. Yue, K. Wang, Y.-Y. Gui, Y.-N. Niu, J. Liu, C.-K. Ran, W. Kong,* W.-J. Zhou, D.-G. Yu*, Nickel-Catalyzed Asymmetric Reductive Carbo-Carboxylation of Alkenes with CO2. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 14068 (Highlighted by WielyChem, X-Mol, CBG).

37. L.-L. Liao, G.-M. Cao, Y.-X. Jiang, X.-H. Jin, X.-L. Hu, J. J. Chruma, G.-Q. Sun, Y.-Y. Gui, D.-G. Yu*, α-Amino Acids and Peptides as Bifunctional Reagents: Carbo-Carboxylation of Activated Alkenes via Recycling CO2. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 2812 (One of the most read JACS papers in March, 2021. Highlighted by Synfacts, Chin. J. Org. Chem., CBG, X-Mol and WeeChem)

38. Y.-M. Jiang,† J. Liu,† Q. Fu,* Y.-M. Yu,* D.-G. Yu*, Visible-Light-Driven Phosphonoalkylation of Alkenes. Synlett 2021, 32, 378 († Equal contribution. Invited contribution for "Radicals by Young Chinese Organic Chemists")

39. C.-K. Ran, L. Song, Y.-N. Niu, M.-K. Wei, Z. Zhang,* X.-Y. Zhou, D.-G. Yu*, Transition-metal-free synthesis of thiazolidin-2-ones and 1,3-thiazinan-2-ones from arylamines, elemental sulfur and CO2. Green Chem. 2021, 23, 274 (Invited for Special Issue: CO2 Utilization. Highlighted by Chem-station and RSC China)

40. Y.-X. Jiang, L. Chen, C.-K. Ran, L. Song, W. Zhang,* L.-L. Liao, D.-G. Yu*, Visible-Light Photoredox-Catalyzed Ring-Opening Carboxylation of Cyclic Oxime Esters with CO2. ChemSusChem 2020, 13, 6312. (Invited for Special Issue: Green Carbon Science-CO2 Capture and Conversion)

41. Z. Zhang,† J.-H. Ye,† T. Ju, L.-L. Liao, H. Huang, Y.-Y. Gui, W.-J. Zhou,* D.-G. Yu*, Visible Light-Driven Catalytic Reductive Carboxylation with CO2. ACS Catal. 2020, 10, 10871. († Equal contribution. Perspective)

42. L. Song, D.-M. Fu, L. Chen, Y.-X. Jiang, J.-H. Ye, L. Zhu, Y. Lan,* Q. Fu, D.-G. Yu*, Visible-Light Photoredox-Catalyzed Remote Difunctionalizing Carboxylation of Unactivated Alkenes with CO2.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 21121. (Hot Paper. Highlighted by Synfacts 2020, 16, 1372 and Chin. J. Org. Chem.).

43. H. Huang,† J.-H. Ye,† L. Zhu,† C.-K. Ran, M. Miao, W. Wang, H. Chen, W.-J. Zhou, Y. Lan,* B. Yu, D.-G. Yu*, Visible Light-Driven Anti-Markovnikov Hydrocarboxylation of Acrylates and Styrenes with CO2. CCS Chem. 2020, 2, 1746 († Equal contribution.)

44. W.-J. Zhou,†* X.-D. Wu,† M. Miao, Z.-H. Wang, L. Chen, S.-Y. Shan, G.-M. Cao, D.-G. Yu*, Light Runs Across Iron Catalysts in Organic Transformations. 2020, 26, 15052. († Equal contribution. Invited Concept)

45. W.-J. Zhou,† Z.-H. Wang,† L.-L. Liao, Y.-X. Jiang, K.-G. Cao, T. Ju, Y. Li, G.-M. Cao, D.-G. Yu*, Reductive Dearomative Arylcarboxylation of Indoles with CO2 via Visible-Light Photoredox Catalysis. Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 3263. († Equal contribution)

46. C.-K. Ran,† X.-W. Chen,† Y.-Y. Gui*, J. Liu, L. Song, K. Ren, D.-G. Yu*, Recent Advances in Asymmetric Synthesis with CO2. Sci. China Chem. 2020, 63, 1336. († Equal contribution. Sci. China Chem. Emerging Investigators themed collection)

47. W.-J. Zhou*‡,Y.-X. Jiang‡,Liang Chen,Kai-Xing Liu,D.-G. Yu*,Visible-Light Photoredox and Palladium Dual Catalysis in Organic Synthesis. Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2020, 40, 3697 (Invited review. ‡ Equal contribution)

48. L. Song, Y.-X. Jiang, Z. Zhang,* Y.-Y. Gui, X.-Y. Zhou, D.-G. Yu*, CO2 = CO + [O]: recent advances in carbonylation of C–H bonds with CO2. Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 8355 (ChemComm Emerging Investigators themed collection)

49. Z. Zhang,*‡ X.-Y. Zhou,‡ J.-G. Wu, L. Song, D.-G. Yu*, Transition-Metal-Free Lactamization of C(sp3)—H Bonds with CO2: Facile Generation of Pyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidin-4-ones. Green Chem. 2020, 22, 28. (‡ Equal contribution)

50. C.-K. Ran, H. Huang, X.-H. Li, W. Wang, J.-H. Ye, S.-S. Yan, B.-Q. Wang, C. Feng,* D.-G. Yu*, Cu-Catalyzed Selective Oxy-Cyanoalkylation of Allylamines with Cycloketone Oxime Esters and CO2. Chin. J. Chem. 2020, 38, 69 (Invited paper)

51. X.-W. Chen, L. Zhu, Y.-Y. Gui, K. Jing, Y.-X. Jiang, Z.-Y. Bo, Y. Lan,* J. Li, D.-G. Yu*, Highly Selective and Catalytic Generation of Acyclic Quaternary Carbon Stereocenters via Functionalization of 1,3-Dienes with CO2. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 18825. (Highlighted by ChemBeanGo and Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2020, 40, 247)

52. M. Miao, L.-L. Liao, G.-M. Cao, W.-J. Zhou,* D.-G. Yu*, Visible-light-mediated external-reductant-free reductive cross coupling of benzylammonium salts with (hetero)aryl nitriles. Sci. China Chem. 2019, 62, 1519. (Invited Contribution to SPECIAL ISSUE: Organic Free Radical Chemistry)

53. Z. Zhang, L. Gong, X.-Y. Zhou, S.-S. Yan, J. Li*, D.-G. Yu*, Radical-Type Difunctionalization of Alkenes with CO2. Acta Chim. Sinica 2019, 77, 783 (Invited Contribution to SPECIAL ISSUE: Organic Radical Chemistry)

54. Q. Fu, Z.-Y. Bo, J.-H. Ye, T. Ju, H. Huang, L.-L. Liao, D.-G. Yu*, Transition metal-free phosphonocarboxylation of alkenes with carbon dioxide via visible-light photoredox catalysis. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 3592.

55. S.-S. Yan, D.-S. Wu, J.-H. Ye, L. Gong, X. Zeng, C.-K. Ran, Y.-Y. Gui, J. Li, D.-G. Yu*, Copper-Catalyzed Carboxylation of C−F Bonds with CO2. ACS Catal. 2019, 9, 6987. (Highlighted by Synfacts 2019, 15, 1159)

56. W.-J. Zhou,* G.-M. Cao, Z.-P. Zhang, and D.-G. Yu*, Visible Light-Induced Palladium-Catalysis in Organic Synthesis. Chem. Lett. 2019, 48, 181. (Invited Contribution. Cover)

57. Y. Chen*, L.-Q. Lu*, D.-G. Yu*, C.-J. Zhu* and W.-J. Xiao*, Visible light-driven organic photochemical synthesis in China. Sci. China Chem. 2019, 62, 24. (Invited Contribution)

58. L.-L. Liao, G.-M. Cao, J.-H. Ye, G.-Q. Sun, W.-J. Zhou, Y.-Y. Gui, S.-S. Yan, G. Shen, D.-G. Yu*, Visible-light-Driven External-Reductant-Free Cross-Electrophile Couplings of Tetraalkyl Ammonium Salts. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 17338. (Top 1 most read JACS papers in December, 2018.)

59. T. Ju, Q. Fu, J.-H. Ye, Z. Zhang, L.-L. Liao, S.-S. Yan, X.-Y. Tian, S.-P. Luo, J. Li, D.-G. Yu*, Selective and Catalytic Hydrocarboxylation of Enamides and Imines with CO2 to Generate α,α-Disubstituted α-Amino Acids. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 13897.

60. S.-S. Yan, Q. Fu, L.-L. Liao, G.-Q. Sun, J.-H. Ye, L. Gong, Y.-Z. Bo-Xue, D.-G. Yu*, Transition metal-catalyzed carboxylation of unsaturated substrates with CO2. Coord. Chem. Rev. 2018, 374, 439. (Invited Contribution)
61. W.-J. Zhou,*† Yi-Han Zhang,† Y.-Y. Gui, L. Sun, D.-G. Yu*, Merging Transition Metal-Catalysis with Photoredox Catalysis: A Environmentally Friendly Strategy for C-H Functionalization. Synthesis 2018, 50, 3359. († Equal contribution. Invited Contribution to the Special Issue on “Photocatalysis”)

62. L. Song, L. Zhu, Z. Zhang, J.-H. Ye, S.-S. Yan, J.-L. Han, Z.-B. Yin, Y. Lan*, D.-G. Yu*, Catalytic Lactonization of Unactivated Aryl C─H Bonds with CO2: Experimental and Computational Investigation. Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 3776. (Top 14 most read papers in July, 2018)

63. Z. Zhang,*† J.-H. Ye,† D.-S. Wu, Y.-Q. Zhou, D.-G. Yu*, Synthesis of Oxazolidin-2-ones from Unsaturated Amines with CO2 via Homogeneous Catalysis. Chem. Asian J. 2018, 13, 2292. († Equal contribution. Invited Contribution to the Special Issue on “Homogeneous Catalysis from Young Investigators in Asia”)

64. L. Song, G.-M. Cao, W.-J. Zhou, J.-H. Ye, Z. Zhang, X.-Y. Tian, J. Li, D.-G. Yu*, Pd-catalyzed carbonylation of aryl C─H bonds in benzamides with CO2. Org. Chem. Front. 2018, 5, 2086. (Invited Contribution to the Special Issue on “Celebrating the 90th birthday of Professor Lu Xiyan”)

65. G. Shen, W.-J. Zhou*, X.-B. Zhang, G.-M. Cao, Z. Zhang, J.-H. Ye, L.-L. Liao, J. Li, D.-G. Yu*, Synthesis of tetronic acids from propargylic alcohols and CO2. Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 5610.

66. S.-S. Yan, L. Zhu, J.-H. Ye, Z. Zhang, H. Huang, H. Zeng, C.-J. Li*, Y. Lan*, D.-G. Yu*, Ruthenium-catalyzed umpolung carboxylation of hydrazones with CO2. Chem. Sci. 2018, 9, 4873. (Highlighted by CBG.)

67. L. Sun, J.-H. Ye, W.-J. Zhou*, X. Zeng, D.-G. Yu*, Oxy-Alkylation of Allylamines with Unactivated Alkyl Bromides and CO2 via Visible-Light-Driven Palladium Catalysis. Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 3049. (Top 8 most read papers in May, 2018. Highlighted by CBG.)

68. Z. Zhang*, C.-J. Zhu, M. Miao, J.-L. Han, T. Ju, L. Song, J.-H. Ye, J. Li, D.-G. Yu*, Lactonization of C(sp2)─H Bonds in Enamides with CO2. Chin. J. Chem. 2018, 36, 430. (Cover. Invited Contribution to the Special Issue on “CO2 chemistry”)

69. Z.-B. Yin,† J.-H. Ye,† W.-J. Zhou, Y.-H. Zhang, L. Ding, Y.-Y. Gui, S.-S. Yan, J. Li, D.-G. Yu*, Oxy-Difluoroalkylation of Allylamines with CO2 via Visible-Light Photoredox Catalysis. Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 190. († Equal contribution.)

70. Y.-Y. Gui, Z.-X. Wang, W.-J. Zhou*, L.-L. Liao, L. Song, Z.-B. Yin, J. Li, D.-G. Yu*, Arylation of Aniline C(sp3)─H Bonds with Phenols by an in-situ Activation Strategy. Asian J. Org. Chem. 2018, 7, 537. (Selected as Cover and VIP. Highlighted by ChemistryViews. Invited paper for the Special Issue on Early Career Researchers in China)

71. L. Zhu, J.-H. Ye, M. Duan, X. Qi, D.-G. Yu*, R. Bai*, Y. Lan*, On the Mechanism of Copper-Catalyzed Oxytrifluoromethylationof Allylamines with CO2: A Computational Study. Org. Chem. Front. 2018, 5, 633.
72. X. Yan, H. Sun, H. Xiang, D.-G. Yu, D. Luo, X. Zhou,* Palladium-Catalyzed C(carbonyl) –C Bond Cleavage of Amides: A Facile Access to Phenylcarbamate Derivatives with Alcohols. Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 8606.
73. Y.-Y. Gui,† N. Hu,† X.-W. Chen, L.-L. Liao, T. Ju, J.-H. Ye, Z. Zhang, J. Li, D.-G. Yu*, Highly Regio- and Enantioselective Copper-Catalyzed Reductive Hydroxymethylation of Styrenes and 1,3-Dienes with CO2. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 17011. († Equal contribution. Cover. Top 4 most read JACS papers in November, 2017. Highlighted by Synfacts 2018, 14, 0177, CJOC, X-MOL, OPR&D and Organic Chemistry Portal)

74. J.-H. Ye, M. Miao, H. Huang, S.-S. Yan, Z.-B. Yin, W.-J. Zhou, D.-G. Yu*, Visible light-driven and Iron-promoted Thiocarboxylation of Styrenes and Acrylates with CO2. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 15416. (Top 11 most accessed papers in November, 2017. Highlighted by X-MOL)

75. W.-J. Zhou, G.-M. Cao, G. Shen, X.-Y. Zhu, Y.-Y. Gui, J.-H. Ye, L. Sun, L.-L. Liao, J. Li, D.-G. Yu*, Visible-Light-Driven Pd-Catalyzed Radical Alkylation of C─H Bonds with General Unactivated Alkyl Bromides. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 15683. (Top 2 most accessed papers in November, 2017. Highlighted by X-MOL)

76. J.-H. Ye,† L. Zhu,† S.-S. Yan, M. Miao, X.-C. Zhang, W.-J. Zhou, J. Li, Y. Lan*, D.-G. Yu*, Radical Trifluoromethylative Dearomatization of Indoles and Furans with CO2. ACS Catal. 2017, 7, 8324. († Equal contribution. Top 6 most read papers in November, 2017.)

77. Y.-Y. Gui, X.-W. Chen, W.-J. Zhou*, D.-G. Yu*, Arylation of Amides and Ureas C(sp3)─H Bonds with Aryl Tosylates via in situ Generation from Phenols. Synlett 2017, 28, 2581. (Cover. Invited paper for the issue of C-O activation)

78. L.-L. Liao, Y.-Y. Gui, X.-B. Zhang, G. Shen, H.-D. Liu, W.-J. Zhou, J. Li, D.-G. Yu*, Phosphorylation of Alkenyl and Aryl C─O Bonds via Photoredox/Nickel Dual Catalysis. Org. Lett. 2017, 19, 3735. (Top 2 most read papers in July, 2017)

79. W.-J. Zhou*, Y.-H. Zhang, C.-G. Mei, H.-D. Liu, D.-G. Yu*, Palladium-Catalyzed Radical-Type Transformations of Alkyl Halides. Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2017,37, 1322. (Invited review)

80. Y.-Y. Gui†, W.-J. Zhou†, J.-H. Ye, D.-G. Yu*, Photochemical Carboxylation of Activated C(sp3)─H Bonds with CO2. ChemSusChem 2017, 10, 1337. († Equal contribution. Highlight)

81. Z. Zhang, T. Ju, J.-H. Ye, D.-G. Yu*, CO2 = CO + O: Redox-neutral Lactamization and Lactonization of C─H Bonds with CO2. Synlett 2017, DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1588403. (Invited Synpacts paper)

82. Z. Zhang†, T. Ju†, M. Miao, J.-L. Han, Y.-H. Zhang, X.-Y. Zhu, J.-H. Ye, D.-G. Yu*, Y.-G. Zhi*, Transition-Metal-Free Lactonization of sp2 C─H Bonds with CO2. Org. Lett. 2017. 19, 396. († Equal contribution . Top 3 most read papers in January, 2017)

83. Y.-Y. Gui, L.-L. Liao, L. Sun, Z. Zhang, J.-H. Ye, G. Shen, Z.-P. Lu, W.-J. Zhou, D.-G. Yu*, Coupling of C(sp3)─H Bonds with C(sp2)─O Electrophiles: Mild, General and Selective. Chem. Comm. 2017, 53, 1192.

84. J.-H. Ye, L. Song, W.-J. Zhou, T. Ju, Z.-B. Yin, S.-S. Yan, Z. Zhang, J. Li, D.-G. Yu*, Selective Oxytrifluoromethylation of Allylamines with CO2. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 10022. (Top 4 most read ACIE papers in July, 2016)

85. Z. Zhang, L.-L. Liao, S.-S. Yan, L. Wang, Y.-Q. He, J.-H. Ye, J. Li, Y.-G. Zhi, D.-G. Yu*, Lactamization of sp2 C─H Bonds with CO2: Transition-metal-free and Redox-neutral. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 7068. (the Frontispiece of Communications; Highlighted by Synfacts 2016, 12, 0910 and Chin. J. Org. Chem.)

86. Y.-Y. Gui, L. Sun, Z.-P. Lu, D.-G. Yu*, Photoredox sheds new light on nickel catalysis: from carbon-carbon to carbon-heteroatom bond formation. Org. Chem. Front. 2016, 3, 522. (From themed collection 2015 Emerging Investigators by OCF)

87. X. Wang†, D.-G. Yu†, F. Glorius*, Cp*Rh(III)-Catalyzed Arylation of sp3 C−H Bonds. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 10280. († Equal contribution)

88. D.-G. Yu, T. Gensch, F. de Azambuja, S. Vásquez-Céspedes, F. Glorius*, Co(III)-Catalyzed C–H Activation/Formal SN-type Reactions: Selective and Efficient Cyanation, Halogenation, and Allylation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 17722. (Top 3 most read JACS papers in December, 2014).

89. D.-G. Yu, F. de Azambuja, T. Gensch, C. G. Daniliuc, F. Glorius*, The C–H Activation/1,3-Diyne Strategy: Highly Selective Direct Synthesis of Diverse Bisheterocycles by RhIII-Catalysis. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 9650. (Highlighted by Synfacts 2014, 10, 1023)

90. D.-G. Yu, F. de Azambuja, F. Glorius*, Direct Functionalization with Complete and Switchable Positional Control: Free Phenol as A Role Model. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 7710. (Highlight)

91. D.-G. Yu, F. de Azambuja, F. Glorius*, α-MsO/TsO/Cl Ketones as Oxidized Alkyne Equivalents: Redox-Neutral Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed C–H Activation for the Synthesis of N-Heterocycles. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 2754. (Top 6 most accessed ACIE paper in Feb. 2014, Highlighted by Synfacts 2014, 10, 567.)

92. D.-G. Yu, S. Luo, F. Zhao, Z.-J. Shi*, Homogeneous Transition-Metal-Catalzyed C–O Bond Activation. In Homogeneous Catalysis for Unreactive Bond Activation, Chapter 5, Pages 347–439, 2014 (Wiley book).

93. D.-G. Yu†, M. Suri†, F. Glorius*, RhIII/CuII-Cocatalyzed Synthesis of 1H-Indazoles through C−H Amidation and N−N Bond Formation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 8802. († equal contribution, most read JACS papers in June, 2013)

94. Z.-J. Shi*, D.-G. Yu, Cross-Coupling Reactions. In Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II (Second Edition), Volume 6, Pages 47–77 (2013).

95. D.-G. Yu, X. Wang, R.-Y. Zhu, S. Luo, X.-B. Zhang, B.-Q. Wang, L. Wang, Z.-J. Shi*, Direct Arylation/Alkylation/Magnesiation of Benzyl Alcohols in the Presence of Grignard Reagents via Ni, Fe or Co-Catalyzed sp3 C–O Bond Activation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 14638. (Highlighted by Synfacts 2012, 8, 1358)

96. D.-G. Yu, Z.-J. Shi*, Mutual Activation: Suzuki–Miyaura Coupling through Direct Cleavage of sp2 C–O Bond of Naphtholate. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 7097. (Highlighted by Synfacts 2011, 10, 1111)

97. D.-G. Yu, B.-J. Li, S. F. Zheng, B.-T. Guan, B.-Q. Wang, Z.-J. Shi*, Direct Application of Phenolic Salts in Nickel-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling with Aryl Grignard Reagents. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 4566. (Hot paper, the frontpieces of Communications, highlighted by ChemistryViews, Synfacts 2010, 9, 1051以及《有机化学》亮点介绍)

98. D.-G. Yu, B.-J. Li, Z.-J. Shi*, Exploration of new C–O electrophiles in cross-coupling reactions. Acc. Chem. Res. 2010, 43, 1486. (Invited account. Top ten most-accessed articles of Acc. Chem. Res. in 2010)

99. C.-L. Sun, H. Li, D.-G. Yu, M. Yu, X. Zhou, X.-Y. Lu, K. Huang, S.-F. Zheng, B.-J. Li, Z.-J. Shi*, An efficient organocatalytic method for constructing biaryls through aromatic C–H activation. Nature Chem. 2010, 2, 1044. (C.-L. Sun, H. Li, and D.-G. Yu performed the experiments and analysed the data and contributed equally to this work, highlighted by Nature Chem., Nature China and Synform)

100. S. Luo†, D.-G. Yu†, R.-Y. Zhu, X. Wang, L. Wang, Z.-J. Shi*, Fe-promoted cross coupling of homobenzylic methyl ethers with Grignard reagents via sp3 C–O bond cleavage. Chem. Comm. 2013. 49, 7794. († equal contribution)

101. D.-G. Yu, M. Yu, B.-T. Guan, B.-J. Li, Y. Zheng, Z.-H. Wu, Z.-J. Shi*, Carbon–Carbon Formation via Ni-Catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling through C–CN Bond Cleavage of Aryl Nitrile. Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 3374. (Highlighted by Synfacts 2009, 11, 1255)

102. 施章杰*, 余达刚,合成化学中的“焊接”技术。科技导报2010, 28, 29。(综述)
103. D.-G. Yu, B.-J. Li, Z.-J. Shi*, Challenges in C-C Bond Formation through Direct Transformations of sp2 C–H Bonds. Tetrahedron 2012, 68, 5130. (Invited account in special issue for Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award 2012 Advances in Metal-Mediated Organic Synthesis Zhang-Jie Shi. Cover. Top 3 hottest paper in 2012)

104. Z.-C. Cao, D.-G. Yu, R.-Y. Zhu, J.-B. Wei, Z.-J. Shi*, Direct Cross Coupling of Benzyl Alcohols to Construct Diarylmethanes via Palladium Catalysis. Chem. Comm. 2015, 51, 2683.

105. F. Zhao, D.-G. Yu, R.-Y. Zhu, Z.-F. Xi*, Z.-J. Shi*, Cross-Coupling of Aryl/Alkenyl Silyl Ether with Grignard Reagents through Nickel-Catalyzed C–O Bonds Activation. Chem. Lett. 2011, 40, 1001. (Invited research paper in Celebration for the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry)

106. B.-J. Li, D.-G. Yu, C.-L. Sun, Z.-J. Shi*, Activation of “Inert” Alkenyl/Aryl C–O Bond and its Application in Cross-Coupling Reactions. Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 1728. (Review)

107. K. Huang, D.-G. Yu, S.-F. Zheng, Z.-H. Wu, L. Xu, B.-Q. Wang, Z.-J. Shi*, Direct Borylation of Aryl and Vinyl Carbamates via Ni-Catalyzed C–O Activation. Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 17, 786.

108. H. Wang, B. Beiring, D.-G. Yu, K. Collins, F. Glorius, [3]Dendralene Synthesis: Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed Alkenyl C–H Activation and Coupling Reaction with Allenyl Carbinol Carbonate, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 12430.

109. F. Zhao, Y.-F. Zhang, J. Wen, D.-G. Yu, J.-B. Wei, Z.-F. Xi*, Z.-J. Shi*, Programmed Selective sp2 C–O Bond Activation toward Multiarylated Benzenes. Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 3230.

110. K. Huang, G. Li, W.-P. Huang, D.-G. Yu, Z.-J. Shi*, Arylation of α-pivaloxyl Ketones with Arylboronic Reagents via Ni-catalyzed sp3 C–O Activation. Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 7224.

111. H. Li, C.-L. Sun, M. Yu, D.-G. Yu, B.-J. Li, Z.-J. Shi*, The Catalytic Ability of Various Transition Metals in the Direct Functionalization of Aromatic C–H Bonds. Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 3593.

112. C.-L. Sun, N. Liu, B.-J. Li, D.-G. Yu, Y. Wang, Z.-J. Shi*, Pd-Catalyzed C-H Functionalizations of O-Methyl Oximes with Arylboronic Acids. Org. Lett. 2010, 12, 184.

113. B.-T. Guan, X.-Y. Lu, Y. Zheng, D.-G. Yu, T. Wu, K.-L. Li, B.-J. Li, Z.-J. Shi*, Biaryl Construction through Kumada Coupling with Diaryl Sulfates as One-by-One Electrophiles under Mild Conditions. Org. Lett. 2010, 12, 396. (Highlighted by Synfacts 2010, 4, 0455)

114. B.-T. Guan, Y. Wang, B.-J. Li, D.-G. Yu, Z.-J. Shi*, Biaryl Construction via Ni-Catalyzed C–O Activation of Aryl Carboxylates. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 14468. (Highlighted by Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 3569)